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Dec 9th - Visitors left in disgust by state of RSPB feeders.


Despite the RSPB forever telling the public how important it is to keep the feeders clean, it seems the feeders on their reserve are kept so badly the seeds have started sprouting.

After the pictures were posted online one viewer commented quite rightly that “dirty feeders and stale food kill our wild birds”, and that “this is an important issue for the health of the birds and surely it is the responsibility of the RSPB to keep them clean.”

The charity have an in excess of £146 million and usually make a profit of over £10m. They have reserves of a quarter of a billion.

In spite of their already bloated finances they constantly beg for money, with great success. They average around £3m every month in legacies, year after year, and suck the market so dry that the smaller conservation organisations are left scrabbling about for bits and pieces.

Despite their huge operating surplus they receive massive amounts of public money – around £26m in 2021 – and seem to be immune to value-for-money tests that would apply to normal people.

You would think with those level of funds they could keep their feeders clean.

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